COVID-19 Access Update

COVID-19 Access Update

Following the recent relaxation in some Welsh lockdown guidelines, the landowner was asked for an update on Draenen access conditions:

“We have no specific requirements for the entrance at Ogof Draenen as long as people follow the normal route in and out. Parking however is seriously getting out of hand though, as they have closed the road beyond the TV mast and walkers are now parking all over the place. If you could request cavers to park sensibly and allow access to the farm and the Centre it would be appreciated.”

The traditional recommended area for parking on the left as you come from Keeper’s Pond (opposite the track down to the old Lamb and Fox) is no longer open as some large limestone blocks now stop access. This means there are limited parking spaces, so please show consideration as requested.

Please also see the guidance issued by the British Caving Association ( on safe caving during this time.